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[업데이트] iTunes 11.0.2 업데이트 공지

iTunes 11.0.2 Software Update

iTunes가 11.0.2로 업데이트 되었습니다. 애플 앱스토어에서 업데이트 하세요!

The new iTunes includes a dramatically simplified player, a completely redesigned Store, and iCloud Features you'll love-this is the best iTunes yet.

Completely Redesigned. iTunes makes it more fun to explore and enjoy your music, movies, and TV shows. You'll love the beautiful edge-to-edge design, custom designs for each album, movie, or TV show in your library, and getting personal recommendations any time you click In the Store.

A New Store. The iTunes Store has been completely redesigned and now features a clean look that makes it simpler than ever to see what's hot and discover new favorites.

Play purchases from iCloud. Your music, movie, and TV show purchases in iCloud now appear inside your library. Just sign-in with your Apple ID to see them. Double-click to play them directly from iCloud or download a copy you can sync to a device or play while offline.

Up Next. It's now simple to see which songs are playing next, all from a single place. Just click the Up Next icon in the center display and they'll instantly appear. You can even reorder, add, or skip songs whenever you like.

New MiniPlayer. You can now do a whole lot more with a lot less space. In addition to showing what's playing. MiniPlayer now includes album art, adds Up Next, and makes it easy to search for something new to play-all from a smaller and more elegant design.

Improved search. It's never been easier to find what you're looking for in iTunes. Just type in the search field and you'll instantly see results from across your entire library. Select any result and iTunes takes you right to it.

Playback syncing. iCloud now remembers your place in a movie or TV show for you. Whenever you play the same movie or episode from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple TV, it will continue right where you left off.

This update adds a new Composers view for music, improves responsiveness when syncing playlists with a large number of songs, and fixes an issue where purchases may now show up in your iTunes library. This update also includes other stability and performance improvements.


대략적인 내용은, 아이튠즈의 전반적인 디자인이 바뀌었고, 아이튠즈 스토어가 새롭게 바뀌었고, 아이클라우드와의 연동성이 강화되었습니다. 작곡가 정렬기능이 추가되었으며, 아이클라우드에 저장된 음악, 영상, TV show등이 아이튠즈에 연동되고, 멈춘 곳부터 다시 볼 수 있게 되었습니다. 미니플레이어 사용이 가능하고, 검색기능이 강화되었습니다.